Exporting to Tunisia
Tunisia, a strong trading partner of the European Union, with great potential
The Tunisian market
This is a small country, about one third the size of Spain and with a population of 12 million. Its per capita income is low but its human development indices are above average for the continent and high school enrolment rates provide the country with a skilled labour force.
The European Union is Tunisia’s main trading partner, both in terms of imports and exports, maintaining generally fluid diplomatic and economic relations which, together with its geographical proximity, facilitate the generation of trade opportunities. Its strategic location in the Maghreb makes the country a good gateway from Europe to other African countries and to the rest of the world.
Key aspects to export
Tunisia, a priority trading partner for Spain
The market has a high agricultural and fishing potential, with olives, wheat, barley, tomatoes, almonds, dates and apples. Olive oil is one of its star export products. The country has developed industries such as textiles and chemicals, and natural resources and raw materials such as phosphates, oil and gas. Tourism is also a powerful sector of its economy.
Tunisia is an important trading partner for Spain, with bilateral trade figures growing in recent years, diplomatic agreements and investments that demonstrate the good relations between the two countries. Italy, France, Germany and Spain are the main importers and are also among the world’s leading exporters to Tunisia.
Trade balance
Historically, imports have been higher than exports. The main imports are energy resources such as refined oil and gas, vehicles and low-voltage protection equipment, mainly from the European Union, China and Turkey.
In terms of exports, Tunisia’s star sectors and products include insulated cable, non-woven men’s suits, pure olive oil and protective equipment, the main buyers being France, Italy, Germany, Spain and Libya.
The trade balance between Spain and Tunisia has historically had a trade surplus in favour of Spain, and the volume of bilateral business between the two countries has grown notably in recent years.
The Tunisian personality in business
As in most countries with a Muslim culture, trust between people based on human values is vital to establish business agreements. Here are some of what we consider to be the most relevant aspects of the Tunisian personality for business:
Key aspects, opportunities and challenges
We always recommend analysing the economic environment where the product is going to be exported. Study the profile of your potential customers and investigate what their main needs are. Analyse the competition and find a value proposition that stands out from them.
Study the laws and regulations for foreign trade in Tunisia. The country has trade agreements with European Union countries that usually facilitate international business, but we recommend always studying the particularities of each sector.
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Do you want to export to Tunisia? Contact us
At Barcelona Export we have experts who will help you to make your export to this vibrant market a success. We will help you get to know the commercial ins and outs of this country so that you can handle your business with complete ease. Contact us for information and advice.