Internationalisation services for entities

Export Group

You will become part of a group of companies that wish to export to the same market.

With complementary products that reinforce the positioning of each member of the group in the eyes of the buyer.

Icono Grupos exportadores

Export group

Barcelona Export is a great specialist in export groups. Our consultancy has been responsible, on many occasions, for promoting an export group to France, with a strong specialisation in industrial subcontracting.

An Export group is one of the most powerful figures to promote within an export consultancy. It is made up of 4-5 companies that define the same target foreign market, with complementary products that do not compete with each other, that establish common objectives and, therefore, share the same export strategy.

The figures that make up the export groups are 4-5 companies that are totally independent of each other, which present their own proposals for complementary services or products, directed and promoted by a reference consultant, who is the figure in charge of implementing the export plan.

What are the advantages of being part of an export group?

The advantages of being part of an export group are varied, as described below:

  1. New customers and suppliers: within an export group, the participants themselves generate new synergies and can become each other’s suppliers and customers.
  2. Increased prospecting rhythm: in an export group, every day of the week is a day of active prospecting as we can always present all the member portfolios to the buyers, as they are in the same sectors.
  3. We capture the buyers’ interest: when we present 4-5 portfolios at the same time, the buyer pays more attention to us, knowing that he/she will have only one native speaker, with whom communication will be fluid and clear, with no margin for error.
  4. We increase the professionalism of each of the participants: the companies not only feel accompanied and confident, but also see the interest in improving their response rates, their prospecting materials and their websites in order to be at the level set by the exporting group.
  5. Joint promotion:an export group often carries out joint promotional activities at international trade fairs, trade missions and networking events, which can increase the visibility of member companies and generate business opportunities.
  6. Sharing knowledge and best practices: Being part of an export group allows companies to share knowledge and experiences with other members, which can help identify new opportunities and improve export strategies.
  7. Individually subsidised: even if you are part of an export group, every year government agencies issue a package of grants and subsidies and this service is usually always subsidised.

In conclusion, an Export Group can be a great boost to a company’s international expansion, offering strength, visibility, support and many new business opportunities in international markets.

How do we work?

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From the exporting group we can open any of the possible channels: we can prospect commercial agents, to whom we can simultaneously offer 4-5 portfolios, distributors or end customers through their purchasing departments. The purchasing managers are very receptive to the exporting groups, as they receive 4-5 proposals through a single interlocutor. The offer of all of them is strengthened because we manage to capture the attention of the buyer in an outstanding way, much more than we do on our own.

¿Estás interesAre you interested in our service? Contact with us

Do you want to export, but you don’t quite understand the dynamics of an Export Group and the advantages it can offer you? Let us be your reference consultant in this adventure. Do not hesitate to ask us about the export groups we have active and see if you are interested in joining one of them.

Fill in the form below and we will contact you to explain what we can offer you.

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    Case Study

    We helped Motores Campeón, specialists in gardening machinery, to expand its distribution network in France.

    Product image champion
    Champion Logo