Current trends

In 2016, the purchasing value of agri-food products from organic farming was estimated to be 7.147 billion euros:

– 6,736 billion € correspond to household consumption (+21.7% in 2015).

– 411 million € of purchases of organic products served in the out-of-home catering. While 229 million € of these are in collective catering (+5% in 2015), 182 million € are in commercial catering (+ 10% in 2015).

Other considerations:

– First of all, 71% of the organic products that are consumed in France come from France

– Furthermore, regarding imported products, 15% come from countries from the European Union and the remaining part from the rest of the world.

– Lastly, 43% of imports are exotic products (banana, cacao, coffee,…) or Mediterranean products (olives, citrus fruits,…), which France does not produce or only has low production.

Details of sales regarding distribution channels:

The used distribution channels

The used distribution channels

Since 2011, organic sales growth in supermarkets has been relatively weaker than in other distribution channels. In 2016, the importance of developing sales of fruit and vegetables and grocery products in this circuit helped to maintain market share at almost 45%.  In comparison, specialized organic distribution is at 37%, direct sales from producer to consumer at 13% and from artisans or traders at 5%.

The distribution of specialized organic products continues to be the most dynamic circuit with a growth rate of almost 24%. This is not only thanks to the opening of new stores, but also due to the increase in the average basket. Direct sales experienced slightly slower growth (+15%). Reasons for this are unfavourable weather conditions for production in 2016 and strong demand for long marketing channels.

Other related links:

The packaging industry in France

The ICT market in France

Business opportunities in the home décor sector

The export of the promotional object in France

The exportation of the decoration sector to France

The organic wines market in France

The French gardening market